Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Big Changes

It is always amazing to me to feel the presence and peace of God over the really big changes or decisions that come into your life. For me, it has not always been easy so I mark that as spiritual growth.

Soon, there will be ALOT of changes for the Agbovi family. I have had moments of trepidation and nervousness, but overall just an overwhelming sense of peace. I look forward to documenting those changes on my blog because although acceptance has been a form of growth, actually walking through the changes will be the bigger battle.

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Rock and My Fortress

Psalm 18:2

2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

I was reminded this week of an old haunting fear of mine. One that has plagued me for years. The kind of fear that is based unfortunately in reality and yet God delivered me from many years ago.

It is amazing how many emotions I felt rush back. Things like survivor's guilt, panic, peace and an overwhelming thankfulness. Yes, all those emotions at once.

Thankfully the peace, the joy and the love of Christ was able to rule over any hint of this old fear taking hold of me again. That is because of Christ. He has rescued me, He has set my feet upon solid ground. Given me a relationship with Him, a relationship with my husband, friends and a church that is like a fortress around me.

I think this week I had a glimpse of the past so that once again I am able to rejoice in the present and the future.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Last night was Halloween and although I wasn't that interested in any preparation, Emmanuel came home with about 5 bags of candy. So after dinner we filled up a bowl and prepared for the neighborhood kids. Little did we know that due to the safety and closeness of our neighborhood we would be inundated with kids!!!! We are in the kind of area that people drive to for trick or treating.

So thanks to our kind neighbor who loaned us some of her candy...we made it until the end of the night. We had alot of fun and it inspired us to dress up for next year and be a little more prepared.

Little by little we fall more and more in love with Ohio and specifically with our cute little neighborhood!