Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Strong Words

I was listening to some of my favorite podcasts while working out at the gym this weekend. Brian and Bobbie Houston from the HillSong Church in Sydney are some of my favorite speakers. I got to hear Bobbie Houston in person while at a Women's conference in LA and have come to love listening to her talk. She makes you laugh with her enthusiasm, like watching someone who has had too much coffee and can't stop talking!

One thing she kept on saying is resonating in my mind- even 72 hours later. She kept on referring to her chosen passage of scripture as "strong words". God has Strong Words for his people.

Sometimes in life we are faced with strong words. Words like Cancer, Infertility, Unemployment, Death. Words that you never think will be spoken to you, and then they are. Never to be taken back. They come at times when you least expect them. They hurt and they sting. They bring fear and grief.

However- I am reminded that my Father is a King. He is used to pronouncing and proclaiming. Take the best speech you have ever heard and remember the passion it stirred in you. Remember the hope you felt in your heart.

Reading the words of our King will arouse the same hope, the same passion in you. If you have had a strong earthly word spoken to you, find an even stronger word from your Father.

1 John 3:1
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"

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