Saturday, July 11, 2009

I got an "arm" from the biker!

Maybe I am the only one on the face of this planet who doesn't know this, but why did the biker give me his whole arm? I thought if you were mad at someone it was a certain finger? Hmmmm

No just teasing.... I was sheltered but not that sheltered. Well okay I was that sheltered. I have no idea what his arm was trying to tell me. I got behind him, he must have gotten nervous. He sticks out his arm, then he bends it, then I get nervous because I don't know what the crap he is trying to tell me.

Am I the only one who didn't learn the universal bike arm signals?


Holly said...

Maybe he was stretching...or popping his elbow back into place. :)

Emmanuel said...

If you are behind the biker and he stretches his hand (usually left hand) out, it means "I'm going this way," so watch out. That will be my guess, at least that's what I will do. Since bikes hardly have blinkers, a biker may want to signal his or her directions by stretching their hands out. :)

Chad, Dilenna, Ashlynn, and Audree said...

Bikers do use their arms a lot for signaling. Being married to a someone who rides a motorcycle, I have learned a whole lot about them! Did you know that they will often times give a hand "wave" to other bikers? Just watch next time you are out. It's like they are part of this secret community :)