Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Floods of Feelings

I concur that currently my emotions are a bit haywire...but I am overcome with a sadness pending some news we got this week. A couple we are close with are divorcing. We have shared many things, joy, pain, Holidays together. All that will be lost with the family now torn apart.

Mainly I grieve for the loss. Loss of security, loss of belonging, loss of communication and friendship for this family. It brings a flood of emotions and feelings that I can't quite shake. Memories of my parent's divorce and the aftermath of destruction. Even as an adult the pain of divorce is vivid.

With little Olivia on the way my mind is consumed with the environment I want to bring her up in. Mainly there are two key ingredients for me. God and Love. I want her to know what a real relationship with God is and I want her to see His love evident in how Emmanuel and I treat each other.

I pray this day for a special blessing over my marriage- for the journey I am committed too and the family I want to build.
I also pray this day for our friends...that they would recommit their relationship and family to God.

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