Saturday, February 27, 2010

From Behind

Getting ones body back after carrying a baby in it for nine months is NO laughing matter. I am glad no one told me how difficult, discouraging and frustrating it would be. Mentally I am motivated, physically I am daunted with backaches, muscle spasms, too much milk, a baby who needs to eat every two to three hours....etc...

This week I was standing face forward to the mirror...and I thought to myself, I am looking relatively good. Turned to the side...yep, also looking pretty good. (compared to being 9 months pregnant how could the side view not look good?)

Then I turned completely around and was seriously not happy with what I saw. From behind....still LOTS of work to do.

Leave it to me to have a spiritual thought at that specific moment in time....but I did. How often do we only look at one portion of our life, one aspect of our character, one act of service or one random moment of generosity and think that we are ok? We cling to that false sense of security in ourselves.

Sometimes it is hard to turn around in the mirror. It is hard to face those areas where we aren't succeeding, we aren't choosing the correct behaviour or action.

My challenge to my blog readers is the challenge I gave to myself. Be willing to do a 360 degree analysis. Ask God to show you what you have chosen to ignore. It will make us healthier, happier people.


Emmanuel said...

Great post babe. God bless!

randyalan said...

Or do the opposite Mary. So put ourselves down, think that there is nothing good in us and thus deprive others of the great blessing we are to those around us. Please don't do that. You will never know or understand what a blessing you are to me. You're a good kid.