Saturday, January 1, 2011

Today is so very welcome

January 1st holds so much for me!! I know you are probably tired of my gushing...but I must gush!

We are officially caught up on our bills after months of unemployment! How awesome is our God. I look back on my graphs for 2010 and already I have NO IDEA how we made it through this year. Such such such a God thing. We will never be the same after this year.

I have started on my new book! Aren't you excited?? I am so very excited. I have a dear friend holding me accountable to finish it this year, I have the title picked out, I have some e-mails out for research and publishing. I have e-mailed my church to see if there is a mentor who can help critique my writing for spiritual soundness. I am just thrilled to be headed down this path.

I would love to hear how you expect God to bless you this year. What are you asking Him for? What are you trusting Him for? This year is my year of Recovery and Joy! (joy translating into fun also. I need more fun in my life!)


Aynsley - said...

So excited for what is to come in your life. You are a wonderful wife and mother and you truly bless all those around you. Happy New Year and we all can't wait to read your book!

Anne - the white words said...

YAY for you in 2011! You were serious when you asked me if I wanted to write a book w/ you! :-)
Use Matt as a resource, as well. He would actually email completed chapters to Joe to have him review and suggest changes/clarification/etc. Matt self-published his book and has learned a bit along the way since.