Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Carpet Cleaning

I was so excited yesterday to finally have my carpets cleaned! Buying our first home stretched us so thin on money that it has taken me 4 months to get this done. Now was the perfect time....before we buy any more furniture and right before an open house I am having this weekend with co-workers.

I hired Sears who showed up and proceeded to sell us extra stuff... On top of the cleaning we are now fully deodorized and scotch guarded. For my mom friends...bring your babies over to crawl around on my floor!!

Last night I got home from work...heated up my left over linguine and proceeded to watch "Journey to the Center of the Earth" with Eman. At an intermission he was pulling the blinds down and as fate would have it- spilled my glass of red wine on our newly shampooed carpet. Poor guy felt so bad!! I thought it was kind of funny. I can't remember ever spilling anything our 2.5 years of marriage. The one day we have our carpets shampooed we spill the worst possible beverage! Haha...

Good news..it was behind a coffee table and after about 30 minutes of blotting, wetting, blotting, wetting, blotting, scrubbing....it is down to a dull yet tasteful pinky color.

When you come visit me I will show you the spot. :)

Happy Tuesday


Holly said...

Of all things to spill, haha! In all the houses that I've lived in with carpet I got to the point where I stopped wetting, blotting, wetting, blotting, etc. Of course, those were all homes where I didn't really care about the carpet but still...now I'm so glad I have hardwood floors! With dogs, it's heaven.

Jen said...

Mary I didn't know you had a blog! I'm so happy you came to visit mine so now I know you exist in blogworld. :)
As for the wine, the bar tenders saving grace for red wine is soda water. It really does work. If you won't want to buy a bottle, though, Oxy Clean gets everything out and it works great on carpet. We had a stain that even carpet cleaning couldn't undo until we tried it.
So good to be in touch again! :)