Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mommy vs Playmate

Being a full time working wife and mother comes with a whole new set of challenges. We are working through them as they come. Separation anxiety, cheerios for dinner, exhaustion.

Our next one ( that I am sure will continue for the next 17 years) is what I have termed Mommy vs Playmate.

My first born came to me with a personality befitting an Agbovi woman. Strong and sweet. They battle each other on a moment by moment basis. Her opinions and strength will carry her far, and I vow to not let the sweetness slip away.

During the week I have roughly 90 minutes in the evening with my daughter and this week has been the toughest. In her little 12 mth old brain she has decided to test and see if me being gone during the day has reduced my role to a meer playmate. It is a logical question. I rush home to play with her, feed her dinner and get in bath/storytime before bed.

Does that mean I don't have to listen to you anymore? Will you still hold to your no, or scold me when I pitch my fits.

Although I hate when our play times are interrupted with these unspoken questions, the answer has to be yes. I am still Mommy. No is still No and fits are still not OK. :)

To quote the "Working Mom 411", There is no such thing as a part time mother, only full time moms with jobs.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I hear ya on this. Sometimes it'll break your heart when there are multiple days in a row that end up being hurried and discipline-focused. It's hard not having much time with them. But every day I get reminders as to why this is so important: there is a HUGE difference between my students whose parents have consistently said "no" when necessary, and those whose parents gave up the fight to persist.

Keep it up! Your daughter is blessed to have such wonderful parents. :)